Sunday, December 16, 2012


Hi All-

The type species of Magnaporthe is Magnaporthe salvinii (rice stem rot), which is not congeneric with Magnaporthe (Pyricularia) oryzae or grisea, based on phylogenetic analysis, morphology, and ecological characters (for details, see Zhang et al. Mycologia. 2011 103(6):1267-76. doi: 10.3852/11-022).  Therefore, a change of genus name is needed.  If we follow the new nomenclature (Melbourne Code), which considers names for sexual and asexual morphs equally, the name for the rice blast fungus should be Pyricularia oryzae, while the name for the stem rot is Nakataea oryzae, because these are the older generic names.  Another option is to write a proposal to conserve the genus Magnaporthe for the blast fungus.